Your Annotation is a Graph¶
Graph theory is a fundamental aspect of computer programming - nearly every problem can be modeled as a graph and in most cases, doing so can drastically reduce the complexity of the solution. We use graph theory to map your type annotations into a reliable resolution order for building out your marshalling and unmarshalling logic.
Handling Data Models¶
Below we map out some examples of the type graph for some common annotations:
title: "A Simple Mapping"
"dict[str, int]" ||--|{ str : contains
"dict[str, int]" ||--|{ int : contains
Given the above graph, the static order for resolving the type dict[str, int]
would be: (0: str, 1: int, 2: dict[str, int])
title: "A Data Class Definition"
Customer ||--|| str : contains
Customer ||--|| uuid : contains
Customer ||--|| datetime : contains
Customer {
str name
uuid id
datetime created_at
Given the above graph, the static order for resolving type Customer
would be:
(0: str, 1: uuid, 2: datetime, 3: Customer)
Implementers can iterate over the static order, building a localized context for the type definition as we traverse from outer edges to the root node.
As an implementation detail, edge types will be resolved in the order they are declared within the containing type. However, we only guarantee that all edges will be provided before the containing type, the field-order of these edges is not guaranteed.
Handling Cyclic Data Models¶
Graphs may have cycles - if not addressed, this can result in infinite recursion.
When we encounter a cyclic or direct recursive type, we wrap the cycle in a
and terminate that branch. This provides another guarantee to
implementations which leverage our graph resolver - all forward references are cyclic
types and should be delayed.
title: "A Recursive Type Definition"
Node ||--o| Node : contains
Node {
parent Node
title: "A Cyclic Type Definition"
ClassA ||--|| ClassB : contains
ClassB ||--o| ClassA : contains
ClassA {
ClassB attr
ClassB {
ClassA attr