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Vendored class decorators for dataclasses.


This module is unnecessary for Python versions >= 3.10.

Typical Usage
>>> import dataclasses
>>> from import classes
>>> @classes.slotted
>>> @dataclasses.dataclass
>>> class Slotted:
...     attr: str
>>> Slotted.__slots__


  • slotted

    Decorator to create a "slotted" version of the provided class.


slotted(*, dict: bool = False, weakref: bool = True) -> Callable[[_ClsT], _ClsT]
slotted(_cls: _ClsT, *, dict: bool = False, weakref: bool = True) -> _ClsT
slotted(_cls: _ClsT | None = None, *, dict: bool = False, weakref: bool = True) -> Callable[[_ClsT], _ClsT] | _ClsT

Decorator to create a "slotted" version of the provided class.


  • _cls

    (_ClsT | None, default: None ) –

    The class to decorate.

  • dict

    (bool, default: False ) –

    Whether to add a slot for __dict__.

  • weakref

    (bool, default: True ) –

    Whether to add a slot for __weakref__.


This function returns new class object as it's not possible to add __slots__ after class creation.

See Also
Source code in src/typelib/py/
def slotted(  # noqa: C901
    _cls: _ClsT | None = None,
    dict: bool = False,
    weakref: bool = True,
) -> Callable[[_ClsT], _ClsT] | _ClsT:
    """Decorator to create a "slotted" version of the provided class.

        _cls: The class to decorate.
        dict: Whether to add a slot for `__dict__`.
        weakref: Whether to add a slot for `__weakref__`.

        This function returns new class object as it's not possible to add `__slots__`
        after class creation.

    See Also:
        - [dataslots](

    def _slots_setstate(self, state):
        for param_dict in filter(None, state):
            for slot, value in param_dict.items():
                object.__setattr__(self, slot, value)

    def wrap(cls):
        key = repr(cls)
        if key in _stack:  # pragma: no cover
            raise TypeError(
                f"{cls!r} uses a custom metaclass {cls.__class__!r} "
                "which is not compatible with automatic slots. "
                "See Issue !typical#104 on GitHub for more information."
            ) from None


        if (
            sys.version_info >= (3, 10) and constants.PKG_NAME not in cls.__module__
        ):  # pragma: no cover
                f"You are using Python {sys.version}. "
                "Python 3.10 introduced native support for slotted dataclasses. "
                "This is the preferred method for adding slots.",

        cls_dict = {**cls.__dict__}
        # Create only missing slots
        inherited_slots = set().union(*(getattr(c, "__slots__", ()) for c in cls.mro()))

        field_names = { ... for f in dataclasses.fields(cls) if}
        if dict:
            field_names["__dict__"] = ...
        if weakref:
            field_names["__weakref__"] = ...
        cls_dict["__slots__"] = (*(f for f in field_names if f not in inherited_slots),)

        # Erase filed names from class __dict__
        for f in field_names:
            cls_dict.pop(f, None)

        # Erase __dict__ and __weakref__
        cls_dict.pop("__dict__", None)
        cls_dict.pop("__weakref__", None)

        # Pickle fix for frozen dataclass as mentioned in
        # Use only if __getstate__ and __setstate__ are not declared and frozen=True
        if (
            all(param not in cls_dict for param in ["__getstate__", "__setstate__"])
            and cls.__dataclass_params__.frozen
            cls_dict["__setstate__"] = _slots_setstate

        # Prepare new class with slots
        new_cls = cls.__class__(cls.__name__, cls.__bases__, cls_dict)
        new_cls.__qualname__ = cls.__qualname__
        new_cls.__module__ = cls.__module__

        return new_cls

    return wrap if _cls is None else wrap(_cls)