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Support for unmarshalling unstructured data into Python data structures.


"Unmarshalling" refers to the process of taking a "primitive" form of data, such as a basic dictionary or JSON string, and coercing it into a higher-order structured data type.


You may use this package directly, but we encourage you to work with the higher-level API provided by the typelib module.

Typical Usage

>>> import dataclasses
>>> import decimal
>>> from typelib import unmarshals
>>> @dataclasses.dataclass(slots=True, weakref_slot=True, kw_only=True)
... class Struct:
...     key: str
...     number: decimal.Decimal
>>> data = {"key": "some-key", "number": "3.14"}
>>> unmarshals.unmarshal(Struct, data)
Struct(key='some-key', number=decimal.Decimal('3.14'))
>>> unmarshaller = unmarshals.unmarshaller(Struct)
>>> unmarshaller(data)
Struct(key='some-key', number=decimal.Decimal('3.14'))
See Also


  • api

    The API for unmarshalling simple Python objects into higher-order Python types.

  • routines

    Type-specific logic for unmarshalling simple Python objects into higher-order Python types.



  • unmarshal

    Unmarshal value into typ.

  • unmarshaller

    Get an un-marshaller routine for a given type.


AbstractUnmarshaller(t: type[T], context: ContextT, *, var: str | None = None)

Bases: ABC, Generic[T]

Abstract base class defining the common interface for unmarshallers.

Unmarshallers are custom callables which maintain type-specific information. They use this information to provide robust, performant logic for decoding and converting primtive Python objects or JSON-endcoded data into their target type.

Unmarshallers support contextual deserialization, which enables the unmarshalling of nested types.


  • t (type[T]) –

    The root type of this unmarshaller.

  • origin (type[T]) –

    If t is a generic, this will be an actionable runtime type related to t, otherwise it is the same as t.

  • context (ContextT) –

    The complete type context for this unmarshaller.

  • var (str | None) –

    If this unmarshaller is used in a nested context, this will reference the field/parameter/index at which this unmarshaller should be used.


  • t

    (type[T]) –

    The root type of this unmarshaller.

  • context

    (ContextT) –

    The complete type context for this unmarshaller.

  • var

    (str | None, default: None ) –

    The associated field or parameter name for this unmarshaller (optional).


  • __call__

    Unmarshall a Python object into its target type.

Source code in src/typelib/unmarshals/
def __init__(self, t: type[T], context: ContextT, *, var: str | None = None):
    """Construct an unmarshaller instance.

        t: The root type of this unmarshaller.
        context: The complete type context for this unmarshaller.
        var: The associated field or parameter name for this unmarshaller (optional).
    self.t = t
    self.origin = inspection.origin(self.t)
    self.context = context
    self.var = var

__call__ abstractmethod

__call__(val: Any) -> T

Unmarshall a Python object into its target type.

Not implemented for the abstract base class.

Source code in src/typelib/unmarshals/
def __call__(self, val: tp.Any) -> T:
    """Unmarshall a Python object into its target type.

    Not implemented for the abstract base class.


BytesUnmarshaller(t: type[T], context: ContextT, *, var: str | None = None)

Bases: AbstractUnmarshaller[BytesT], Generic[BytesT]

Unmarshaller that encodes an input to bytes.


We will format a member of the datetime module into ISO format before converting to bytes.

See Also


  • t

    (type[T]) –

    The root type of this unmarshaller.

  • context

    (ContextT) –

    The complete type context for this unmarshaller.

  • var

    (str | None, default: None ) –

    The associated field or parameter name for this unmarshaller (optional).

Source code in src/typelib/unmarshals/
def __init__(self, t: type[T], context: ContextT, *, var: str | None = None):
    """Construct an unmarshaller instance.

        t: The root type of this unmarshaller.
        context: The complete type context for this unmarshaller.
        var: The associated field or parameter name for this unmarshaller (optional).
    self.t = t
    self.origin = inspection.origin(self.t)
    self.context = context
    self.var = var


CastUnmarshaller(t: type[T], context: ContextT, *, var: str | None = None)

Bases: AbstractUnmarshaller[T]

Unmarshaller that converts an input to an instance of T with a direct cast.


Before casting to the bound type, we will attempt to decode the value into a real Python object.

See Also


  • t

    (type[T]) –

    The type to unmarshal into.

  • context

    (ContextT) –

    Any nested type context (unused).

  • var

    (str | None, default: None ) –

    A variable name for the indicated type annotation (unused, optional).


  • __call__

    Unmarshal a value into the bound T type.

Source code in src/typelib/unmarshals/
def __init__(self, t: type[T], context: ContextT, *, var: str | None = None):

        t: The type to unmarshal into.
        context: Any nested type context (unused).
        var: A variable name for the indicated type annotation (unused, optional).
    super().__init__(t, context, var=var)
    self.caster: tp.Callable[[tp.Any], T] = self.origin  # type: ignore[assignment]


__call__(val: Any) -> T

Unmarshal a value into the bound T type.


  • val

    (Any) –

    The input value to unmarshal.

Source code in src/typelib/unmarshals/
def __call__(self, val: tp.Any) -> T:
    """Unmarshal a value into the bound `T` type.

        val: The input value to unmarshal.
    # Try to load the string, if this is JSON or a literal expression.
    decoded = serdes.load(val)
    # Short-circuit cast if we have the type we want.
    if isinstance(decoded, self.t):
        return decoded
    # Cast the decoded value to the type.
    return self.caster(decoded)


DateTimeUnmarshaller(t: type[T], context: ContextT, *, var: str | None = None)

Bases: AbstractUnmarshaller[datetime], Generic[DateTimeT]

Unmarshaller that converts an input to a datetime.datetime (or subclasses).


This class tries to handle the 90% case:

  1. If we are already a datetime.datetime instance, return it.
  2. If we are a float or int instance, treat it as a unix timestamp, at UTC.
  3. Attempt to decode any bytes/string input into a real Python value.
  4. If we have a string value, parse it into either a instance, a datetime.time instance or a datetime.datetime.
  5. If the parsed result is a datetime.time instance, then merge the parsed time with today, at the timezone specified in the time instance.
  6. If the parsed result is a instance, create a datetime.datetime instance at midnight of the indicated date, UTC.

There are many ways to represent a datetime object over-the-wire. Your most fool-proof method is to rely upon ISO 8601 or RFC 3339.

See Also


  • t

    (type[T]) –

    The root type of this unmarshaller.

  • context

    (ContextT) –

    The complete type context for this unmarshaller.

  • var

    (str | None, default: None ) –

    The associated field or parameter name for this unmarshaller (optional).


  • __call__

    Unmarshal a value into the bound DateTimeT type.

Source code in src/typelib/unmarshals/
def __init__(self, t: type[T], context: ContextT, *, var: str | None = None):
    """Construct an unmarshaller instance.

        t: The root type of this unmarshaller.
        context: The complete type context for this unmarshaller.
        var: The associated field or parameter name for this unmarshaller (optional).
    self.t = t
    self.origin = inspection.origin(self.t)
    self.context = context
    self.var = var


__call__(val: Any) -> datetime

Unmarshal a value into the bound DateTimeT type.


  • val

    (Any) –

    The input value to unmarshal.

Source code in src/typelib/unmarshals/
def __call__(self, val: tp.Any) -> datetime.datetime:
    """Unmarshal a value into the bound `DateTimeT` type.

        val: The input value to unmarshal.
    if isinstance(val, self.t):
        return val

    # Numbers can be treated as time since epoch.
    if isinstance(val, (int, float)):
        val = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(val, tz=datetime.timezone.utc)
    # Always decode bytes.
    decoded = serdes.decode(val)
    # Parse strings.
    dt: datetime.datetime | | datetime.time = (
        serdes.dateparse(decoded, self.t) if isinstance(decoded, str) else decoded
    # If we have a time object, default to today.
    if isinstance(dt, datetime.time):
    # Exact class matching.
    if dt.__class__ is self.t:
        return dt  # type: ignore[return-value]
    # Subclass check for datetimes.
    if isinstance(dt, datetime.datetime):
        return self.t(
    # Implicit: we have a date object.
    return self.t(
        year=dt.year, month=dt.month,, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc


DateUnmarshaller(t: type[T], context: ContextT, *, var: str | None = None)

Bases: AbstractUnmarshaller[DateT], Generic[DateT]

Unmarshaller that converts an input to a (or subclasses).


This class tries to handle the 90% case:

  1. If we are already a instance, return it.
  2. If we are a float or int instance, treat it as a unix timestamp, at UTC.
  3. Attempt to decode any bytes/string input into a real Python value.
  4. If we have a string value, parse it into either a
  5. If the parsed result is a datetime.time instance, then return the result of, at UTC, as a

There are many ways to represent a date object over-the-wire. Your most fool-proof method is to rely upon ISO 8601 or RFC 3339.

See Also


  • t

    (type[T]) –

    The root type of this unmarshaller.

  • context

    (ContextT) –

    The complete type context for this unmarshaller.

  • var

    (str | None, default: None ) –

    The associated field or parameter name for this unmarshaller (optional).


  • __call__

    Unmarshal a value into the bound DateT type.

Source code in src/typelib/unmarshals/
def __init__(self, t: type[T], context: ContextT, *, var: str | None = None):
    """Construct an unmarshaller instance.

        t: The root type of this unmarshaller.
        context: The complete type context for this unmarshaller.
        var: The associated field or parameter name for this unmarshaller (optional).
    self.t = t
    self.origin = inspection.origin(self.t)
    self.context = context
    self.var = var


__call__(val: Any) -> DateT

Unmarshal a value into the bound DateT type.


  • val

    (Any) –

    The input value to unmarshal.

Source code in src/typelib/unmarshals/
def __call__(self, val: tp.Any) -> DateT:
    """Unmarshal a value into the bound `DateT` type.

        val: The input value to unmarshal.
    if isinstance(val, self.t) and not isinstance(val, datetime.datetime):
        return val

    # Numbers can be treated as time since epoch.
    if isinstance(val, (int, float)):
        val = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(val, tz=datetime.timezone.utc)
    # Always decode bytes.
    decoded = serdes.decode(val)
    # Parse strings.
    date: | datetime.time = (
        serdes.dateparse(decoded, self.t) if isinstance(decoded, str) else decoded
    # Time-only construct is treated as today.
    if isinstance(date, datetime.time):
        date =
    # Exact class matching - the parser returns subclasses.
    if date.__class__ is self.t:
        return date  # type: ignore[return-value]
    # Reconstruct as the exact type.
    return self.t(year=date.year, month=date.month,


DelayedUnmarshaller(t: type[T], context: ContextT, *, var: str | None = None)

Bases: AbstractUnmarshaller[T]

Delayed proxy for a given type's unmarshaller, used when we encounter a typing.ForwardRef.


This allows us to delay the resolution of the given type reference until call-time, enabling support for cyclic and recursive types.


Source code in src/typelib/unmarshals/
def __init__(
    self, t: type[T], context: routines.ContextT, *, var: str | None = None
    super().__init__(t, context, var=var)
    self._resolved: routines.AbstractUnmarshaller[T] | None = None

resolved property

resolved: AbstractUnmarshaller[T]

The resolved unmarshaller.


FixedTupleUnmarshaller(t: type[TupleT], context: ContextT, *, var: str | None = None)

Bases: AbstractUnmarshaller[TupleT]

Unmarshaller for a "fixed" tuple (e.g., tuple[int, str, float]).


Python supports two distinct uses for tuples, unlike in other languages:

  1. Tuples with a fixed number of members.
  2. Tuples of variable length (an immutable sequence).

"Fixed" tuples may have a distinct type for each member, while variable-length tuples may only have a single type (or union of types) for all members.

Variable-length tuples are handled by our generic iterable unmarshaller.

For "fixed" tuples, the algorithm is:

  1. Attempt to decode the input into a real Python object.
  2. zip the stack of member unmarshallers and the values in the decoded object.
  3. Unmarshal each value using the associated unmarshaller for that position.
  4. Pass the unmarshalling iterator in to the type's constructor.

If the input has more members than the type definition allows, those members will be dropped by nature of our unmarshalling algorithm.

See Also


  • t

    (type[TupleT]) –

    The type to unmarshal into.

  • context

    (ContextT) –

    Any nested type context. Used to resolve the value unmarshaller stack.

  • var

    (str | None, default: None ) –

    A variable name for the indicated type annotation (unused, optional).


Source code in src/typelib/unmarshals/
def __init__(
    self, t: type[compat.TupleT], context: ContextT, *, var: str | None = None

        t: The type to unmarshal into.
        context: Any nested type context. Used to resolve the value unmarshaller stack.
        var: A variable name for the indicated type annotation (unused, optional).
    super().__init__(t, context, var=var)
    self.stack = inspection.args(t, evaluate=True)
    self.ordered_routines = [self.context[vt] for vt in self.stack]


__call__(val: Any) -> TupleT

Unmarshal a value into the bound tuple structure.


  • val

    (Any) –

    The input value to unmarshal.

Source code in src/typelib/unmarshals/
def __call__(self, val: tp.Any) -> compat.TupleT:
    """Unmarshal a value into the bound [`tuple`][] structure.

        val: The input value to unmarshal.
    decoded = serdes.load(val)
    return self.origin(
        for routine, v in zip(self.ordered_routines, serdes.itervalues(decoded))


LiteralUnmarshaller(t: type[LiteralT], context: ContextT, *, var: str | None = None)

Bases: AbstractUnmarshaller[LiteralT], Generic[LiteralT]

Unmarshaller that will enforce an input conform to a defined typing.Literal.


We will attempt to decode the value into a real Python object if the input fails initial membership evaluation.

See Also


  • t

    (type[LiteralT]) –

    The type to unmarshal into.

  • context

    (ContextT) –

    Any nested type context (unused).

  • var

    (str | None, default: None ) –

    A variable name for the indicated type annotation (unused, optional).

Source code in src/typelib/unmarshals/
def __init__(self, t: type[LiteralT], context: ContextT, *, var: str | None = None):

        t: The type to unmarshal into.
        context: Any nested type context (unused).
        var: A variable name for the indicated type annotation (unused, optional).
    super().__init__(t, context, var=var)
    self.values = inspection.args(t, evaluate=True)


NoOpUnmarshaller(t: type[T], context: ContextT, *, var: str | None = None)

Bases: AbstractUnmarshaller[T]

Unmarshaller that does nothing.


  • t

    (type[T]) –

    The root type of this unmarshaller.

  • context

    (ContextT) –

    The complete type context for this unmarshaller.

  • var

    (str | None, default: None ) –

    The associated field or parameter name for this unmarshaller (optional).

Source code in src/typelib/unmarshals/
def __init__(self, t: type[T], context: ContextT, *, var: str | None = None):
    """Construct an unmarshaller instance.

        t: The root type of this unmarshaller.
        context: The complete type context for this unmarshaller.
        var: The associated field or parameter name for this unmarshaller (optional).
    self.t = t
    self.origin = inspection.origin(self.t)
    self.context = context
    self.var = var


NoneTypeUnmarshaller(t: type[T], context: ContextT, *, var: str | None = None)

Bases: AbstractUnmarshaller[None]

Unmarshaller for null values.


We will attempt to decode any string/bytes input before evaluating for None.

See Also


  • t

    (type[T]) –

    The root type of this unmarshaller.

  • context

    (ContextT) –

    The complete type context for this unmarshaller.

  • var

    (str | None, default: None ) –

    The associated field or parameter name for this unmarshaller (optional).


  • __call__

    Unmarshal the given input into a None value.

Source code in src/typelib/unmarshals/
def __init__(self, t: type[T], context: ContextT, *, var: str | None = None):
    """Construct an unmarshaller instance.

        t: The root type of this unmarshaller.
        context: The complete type context for this unmarshaller.
        var: The associated field or parameter name for this unmarshaller (optional).
    self.t = t
    self.origin = inspection.origin(self.t)
    self.context = context
    self.var = var


__call__(val: Any) -> None

Unmarshal the given input into a None value.


  • val

    (Any) –

    The value to unmarshal.


  • ValueError

    If val is not None after decoding.

Source code in src/typelib/unmarshals/
def __call__(self, val: tp.Any) -> None:
    """Unmarshal the given input into a `None` value.

        val: The value to unmarshal.

        ValueError: If `val` is not `None` after decoding.
    decoded = serdes.decode(val)
    if decoded is not None:
        raise ValueError(f"{val!r} is not of {types.NoneType!r}")
    return None


NumberUnmarshaller(t: type[T], context: ContextT, *, var: str | None = None)

Bases: AbstractUnmarshaller[NumberT], Generic[NumberT]

Unmarshaller that converts an input to a number.


Number unmarshalling follows a best-effort strategy. We may extend type resolution to support more advanced type unmarshalling strategies in the future.

As of now: 1. Attempt to decode any bytes/string input into a real Python value. 2. If the input is a member of the datetime module, convert it to a number. 3. If the input is a mapping, unpack it into the number constructor. 4. If the input is an iterable, unpack it into the number constructor. 5. Otherwise, call the number constructor with the input.

See Also


  • t

    (type[T]) –

    The root type of this unmarshaller.

  • context

    (ContextT) –

    The complete type context for this unmarshaller.

  • var

    (str | None, default: None ) –

    The associated field or parameter name for this unmarshaller (optional).


  • __call__

    Unmarshall a value into the bound Number type.

Source code in src/typelib/unmarshals/
def __init__(self, t: type[T], context: ContextT, *, var: str | None = None):
    """Construct an unmarshaller instance.

        t: The root type of this unmarshaller.
        context: The complete type context for this unmarshaller.
        var: The associated field or parameter name for this unmarshaller (optional).
    self.t = t
    self.origin = inspection.origin(self.t)
    self.context = context
    self.var = var


__call__(val: Any) -> NumberT

Unmarshall a value into the bound Number type.


  • val

    (Any) –

    The input value to unmarshal.

Source code in src/typelib/unmarshals/
def __call__(self, val: tp.Any) -> NumberT:
    """Unmarshall a value into the bound Number type.

        val: The input value to unmarshal.
    # Always decode bytes.
    decoded = serdes.decode(val)
    if isinstance(decoded, self.t):
        return decoded
    # Represent date/time objects as time since unix epoch.
    if isinstance(val, (, datetime.time, datetime.timedelta)):
        decoded = serdes.unixtime(val)
    # Treat containers as constructor args.
    if inspection.ismappingtype(decoded.__class__):
        return self.t(**decoded)
    if inspection.isiterabletype(decoded.__class__) and not inspection.istexttype(
        return self.t(*decoded)
    # Simple cast for non-containers.
    return self.t(decoded)  # type: ignore[call-arg]


PatternUnmarshaller(t: type[T], context: ContextT, *, var: str | None = None)

Bases: AbstractUnmarshaller[PatternT], Generic[PatternT]

Unmarshaller that converts an input to a re.Pattern.


You can't instantiate a re.Pattern directly, so we don't have a good method for handling patterns from a different library out-of-the-box. We simply call re.compile() on the decoded input.

See Also


  • t

    (type[T]) –

    The root type of this unmarshaller.

  • context

    (ContextT) –

    The complete type context for this unmarshaller.

  • var

    (str | None, default: None ) –

    The associated field or parameter name for this unmarshaller (optional).

Source code in src/typelib/unmarshals/
def __init__(self, t: type[T], context: ContextT, *, var: str | None = None):
    """Construct an unmarshaller instance.

        t: The root type of this unmarshaller.
        context: The complete type context for this unmarshaller.
        var: The associated field or parameter name for this unmarshaller (optional).
    self.t = t
    self.origin = inspection.origin(self.t)
    self.context = context
    self.var = var


StringUnmarshaller(t: type[T], context: ContextT, *, var: str | None = None)

Bases: AbstractUnmarshaller[StringT], Generic[StringT]

Unmarshaller that converts an input to a string.


We will format a member of the datetime module into ISO format.

See Also


  • t

    (type[T]) –

    The root type of this unmarshaller.

  • context

    (ContextT) –

    The complete type context for this unmarshaller.

  • var

    (str | None, default: None ) –

    The associated field or parameter name for this unmarshaller (optional).

Source code in src/typelib/unmarshals/
def __init__(self, t: type[T], context: ContextT, *, var: str | None = None):
    """Construct an unmarshaller instance.

        t: The root type of this unmarshaller.
        context: The complete type context for this unmarshaller.
        var: The associated field or parameter name for this unmarshaller (optional).
    self.t = t
    self.origin = inspection.origin(self.t)
    self.context = context
    self.var = var


StructuredTypeUnmarshaller(t: type[_ST], context: ContextT, *, var: str | None = None)

Bases: AbstractUnmarshaller[_ST]

Unmarshaller for a "structured" (user-defined) type.


This unmarshaller supports the unmarshalling of any mapping or structured type into the targeted structured type. There are limitations.

The algorithm is:

  1. Attempt to decode the input into a real Python object.
  2. Using a mapping of the structured types "field" to the field-type's unmarshaller, iterate over the field->value pairs of the input, skipping fields in the input which are not present in the field mapping.
  3. Store each unmarshalled value in a keyword-argument mapping.
  4. Unpack the keyword argument mapping into the bound type's constructor.

While we don't currently support arbitrary collections, we may add this functionality at a later date. Doing so requires more advanced introspection and parameter-binding that would lead to a significant loss in performance if not done carefully.

See Also


  • t

    (type[_ST]) –

    The type to unmarshal into.

  • context

    (ContextT) –

    Any nested type context. Used to resolve the value field-to-unmarshaller mapping.

  • var

    (str | None, default: None ) –

    A variable name for the indicated type annotation (unused, optional).


  • __call__

    Unmarshal a value into the bound type.

Source code in src/typelib/unmarshals/
def __init__(self, t: type[_ST], context: ContextT, *, var: str | None = None):

        t: The type to unmarshal into.
        context: Any nested type context. Used to resolve the value field-to-unmarshaller mapping.
        var: A variable name for the indicated type annotation (unused, optional).
    super().__init__(t, context, var=var)
    self.fields_by_var = self._fields_by_var()


__call__(val: Any) -> _ST

Unmarshal a value into the bound type.


  • val

    (Any) –

    The input value to unmarshal.

Source code in src/typelib/unmarshals/
def __call__(self, val: tp.Any) -> _ST:
    """Unmarshal a value into the bound type.

        val: The input value to unmarshal.
    decoded = serdes.load(val)
    fields = self.fields_by_var
    kwargs = {f: fields[f](v) for f, v in serdes.iteritems(decoded) if f in fields}
    return self.t(**kwargs)


SubscriptedIterableUnmarshaller(t: type[IterableT], context: ContextT, *, var: str | None = None)

Bases: AbstractUnmarshaller[IterableT], Generic[IterableT]

Unmarshaller for a subscripted iterable type.


This unmarshaller handles standard simple iterable types. We leverage our own generic itervalues to allow for translating other collections or structured objects into the target iterable.

The algorithm is as follows:

  1. We attempt to decode the input into a real Python object.
  2. We iterate over values in the decoded input.
  3. We call the value-type's unmarshaller on the value members.
  4. We pass the unmarshalling iterator in to the type's constructor.
See Also


  • t

    (type[IterableT]) –

    The type to unmarshal into.

  • context

    (ContextT) –

    Any nested type context. Used to resolve the member unmarshaller.

  • var

    (str | None, default: None ) –

    A variable name for the indicated type annotation (unused, optional).


  • __call__

    Unmarshal a value into the bound IterableT.

Source code in src/typelib/unmarshals/
def __init__(
    self, t: type[IterableT], context: ContextT, *, var: str | None = None

        t: The type to unmarshal into.
        context: Any nested type context. Used to resolve the member unmarshaller.
        var: A variable name for the indicated type annotation (unused, optional).
    super().__init__(t=t, context=context, var=var)
    # supporting tuple[str, ...]
    (value_t, *_) = inspection.args(t, evaluate=True)
    self.values = context[value_t]


__call__(val: Any) -> IterableT

Unmarshal a value into the bound IterableT.


  • val

    (Any) –

    The input value to unmarshal.

Source code in src/typelib/unmarshals/
def __call__(self, val: tp.Any) -> IterableT:
    """Unmarshal a value into the bound `IterableT`.

        val: The input value to unmarshal.
    # Always decode bytes.
    decoded = serdes.load(val)
    values = self.values
    return self.origin((values(v) for v in serdes.itervalues(decoded)))  # type: ignore[call-arg]


SubscriptedIteratorUnmarshaller(t: type[IteratorT], context: ContextT, *, var: str | None = None)

Bases: AbstractUnmarshaller[IteratorT], Generic[IteratorT]

Unmarshaller for a subscripted iterator type.


This unmarshaller handles standard simple iterable types. We leverage our own generic itervalues to allow for translating other collections or structured objects into the target iterator.

The algorithm is as follows:

  1. We attempt to decode the input into a real Python object.
  2. We iterate over values in the decoded input.
  3. We call the value-type's unmarshaller on the value members.
  4. We return a new, unmarshalling iterator.
See Also


  • t

    (type[IteratorT]) –

    The type to unmarshal into.

  • context

    (ContextT) –

    Any nested type context. Used to resolve the member unmarshaller.

  • var

    (str | None, default: None ) –

    A variable name for the indicated type annotation (unused, optional).


  • __call__

    Unmarshal a value into the bound IteratorT.

Source code in src/typelib/unmarshals/
def __init__(
    self, t: type[IteratorT], context: ContextT, *, var: str | None = None

        t: The type to unmarshal into.
        context: Any nested type context. Used to resolve the member unmarshaller.
        var: A variable name for the indicated type annotation (unused, optional).
    super().__init__(t, context, var=var)
    (value_t,) = inspection.args(t, evaluate=True)
    self.values = context[value_t]


__call__(val: Any) -> IteratorT

Unmarshal a value into the bound IteratorT.


  • val

    (Any) –

    The input value to unmarshal.

Source code in src/typelib/unmarshals/
def __call__(self, val: tp.Any) -> IteratorT:
    """Unmarshal a value into the bound `IteratorT`.

        val: The input value to unmarshal.
    # Always decode bytes.
    decoded = serdes.load(val)
    values = self.values
    it: IteratorT = (values(v) for v in serdes.itervalues(decoded))  # type: ignore[assignment]
    return it


SubscriptedMappingUnmarshaller(t: type[MappingT], context: ContextT, *, var: str | None = None)

Bases: AbstractUnmarshaller[MappingT], Generic[MappingT]

Unmarshaller for a subscripted mapping type.


This unmarshaller handles standard key->value mappings. We leverage our own generic iteritems to allow for translating other collections or structured objects into the target mapping.

The algorithm is as follows:

  1. We attempt to decode the input into a real Python object.
  2. We iterate over key->value pairs.
  3. We call the key-type's unmarshaller on the key members.
  4. We call the value-type's unmarshaller on the value members.
  5. We pass the unmarshalling iterator in to the type's constructor.
See Also


  • t

    (type[MappingT]) –

    The type to unmarshal into.

  • context

    (ContextT) –

    Any nested type context. Used to resolve the member unmarshallers.

  • var

    (str | None, default: None ) –

    A variable name for the indicated type annotation (unused, optional).


  • __call__

    Unmarshal a value into the bound MappingT.

Source code in src/typelib/unmarshals/
def __init__(self, t: type[MappingT], context: ContextT, *, var: str | None = None):

        t: The type to unmarshal into.
        context: Any nested type context. Used to resolve the member unmarshallers.
        var: A variable name for the indicated type annotation (unused, optional).
    super().__init__(t, context, var=var)
    key_t, value_t = inspection.args(t, evaluate=True)
    self.keys = context[key_t]
    self.values = context[value_t]


__call__(val: Any) -> MappingT

Unmarshal a value into the bound MappingT.


  • val

    (Any) –

    The input value to unmarshal.

Source code in src/typelib/unmarshals/
def __call__(self, val: tp.Any) -> MappingT:
    """Unmarshal a value into the bound `MappingT`.

        val: The input value to unmarshal.
    # Always decode bytes.
    decoded = serdes.load(val)
    keys = self.keys
    values = self.values
    return self.origin(  # type: ignore[call-arg]
        ((keys(k), values(v)) for k, v in serdes.iteritems(decoded))


TimeDeltaUnmarshaller(t: type[T], context: ContextT, *, var: str | None = None)

Bases: AbstractUnmarshaller[TimeDeltaT], Generic[TimeDeltaT]

Unmarshaller that converts an input to a datetime.timedelta (or subclasses).


This class tries to handle the 90% case:

  1. If we are already a datetime.timedelta instance, return it.
  2. If we are a float or int instance, treat it as total seconds for a delta.
  3. Attempt to decode any bytes/string input into a real Python value.
  4. If we have a string value, parse it into a datetime.timedelta instance.
  5. If the parsed result is not exactly the bound TimeDeltaT type, convert it.

There are many ways to represent a time object over-the-wire. Your most fool-proof method is to rely upon ISO 8601 or RFC 3339.

See Also


  • t

    (type[T]) –

    The root type of this unmarshaller.

  • context

    (ContextT) –

    The complete type context for this unmarshaller.

  • var

    (str | None, default: None ) –

    The associated field or parameter name for this unmarshaller (optional).


  • __call__

    Unmarshal a value into the bound TimeDeltaT type.

Source code in src/typelib/unmarshals/
def __init__(self, t: type[T], context: ContextT, *, var: str | None = None):
    """Construct an unmarshaller instance.

        t: The root type of this unmarshaller.
        context: The complete type context for this unmarshaller.
        var: The associated field or parameter name for this unmarshaller (optional).
    self.t = t
    self.origin = inspection.origin(self.t)
    self.context = context
    self.var = var


__call__(val: Any) -> TimeDeltaT

Unmarshal a value into the bound TimeDeltaT type.


  • val

    (Any) –

    The input value to unmarshal.

Source code in src/typelib/unmarshals/
def __call__(self, val: tp.Any) -> TimeDeltaT:
    """Unmarshal a value into the bound `TimeDeltaT` type.

        val: The input value to unmarshal.
    if isinstance(val, (int, float)):
        return self.t(seconds=int(val))

    decoded = serdes.decode(val)
    td: datetime.timedelta = (
        serdes.dateparse(decoded, t=datetime.timedelta)
        if isinstance(decoded, str)
        else decoded

    if td.__class__ is self.t:
        return td  # type: ignore[return-value]

    return self.t(seconds=td.total_seconds())


TimeUnmarshaller(t: type[T], context: ContextT, *, var: str | None = None)

Bases: AbstractUnmarshaller[TimeT], Generic[TimeT]

Unmarshaller that converts an input to adatetime.time (or subclasses).


This class tries to handle the 90% case:

  1. If we are already a datetime.time instance, return it.
  2. If we are a float or int instance, treat it as a unix timestamp, at UTC.
  3. Attempt to decode any bytes/string input into a real Python value.
  4. If we have a string value, parse it into either a instance, a datetime.time instance or a datetime.datetime.
  5. If the parsed result is a datetime.datetime instance, then extract the time portion, preserving the associated timezone.
  6. If the parsed result is a instance, create a time instance at midnight, UTC.

There are many ways to represent a time object over-the-wire. Your most fool-proof method is to rely upon ISO 8601 or RFC 3339.

See Also


  • t

    (type[T]) –

    The root type of this unmarshaller.

  • context

    (ContextT) –

    The complete type context for this unmarshaller.

  • var

    (str | None, default: None ) –

    The associated field or parameter name for this unmarshaller (optional).


  • __call__

    Unmarshal a value into the bound TimeT type.

Source code in src/typelib/unmarshals/
def __init__(self, t: type[T], context: ContextT, *, var: str | None = None):
    """Construct an unmarshaller instance.

        t: The root type of this unmarshaller.
        context: The complete type context for this unmarshaller.
        var: The associated field or parameter name for this unmarshaller (optional).
    self.t = t
    self.origin = inspection.origin(self.t)
    self.context = context
    self.var = var


__call__(val: Any) -> TimeT

Unmarshal a value into the bound TimeT type.


  • val

    (Any) –

    The input value to unmarshal.

Source code in src/typelib/unmarshals/
def __call__(self, val: tp.Any) -> TimeT:
    """Unmarshal a value into the bound `TimeT` type.

        val: The input value to unmarshal.
    if isinstance(val, self.t):
        return val

    decoded = serdes.decode(val)
    if isinstance(decoded, (int, float)):
        decoded = (
            datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(val, tz=datetime.timezone.utc)
            # datetime.time() strips tzinfo...
    dt: datetime.datetime | | datetime.time = (
        serdes.dateparse(decoded, self.t) if isinstance(decoded, str) else decoded

    if isinstance(dt, datetime.datetime):
        # datetime.time() strips tzinfo...
        dt = dt.time().replace(tzinfo=dt.tzinfo)
    elif isinstance(dt,
        dt = self.t(tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc)

    if dt.__class__ is self.t:
        return dt  # type: ignore[return-value]

    return self.t(


UUIDUnmarshaller(t: type[T], context: ContextT, *, var: str | None = None)

Bases: AbstractUnmarshaller[UUIDT], Generic[UUIDT]

Unmarshaller that converts an input to a uuid.UUID (or subclasses).


The resolution algorithm is intentionally simple:

  1. Attempt to decode any bytes/string input into a real Python object.
  2. If the value is an integer, pass it into the constructor via the int= param.
  3. Otherwise, pass into the constructor directly.

While the uuid.UUID constructor supports many different keyword inputs for different types of UUID formats/encodings, we don't have a great method for detecting the correct input. We have moved with the assumption that the two most common formats are a standard string encoding, or an integer encoding.


  • t

    (type[T]) –

    The root type of this unmarshaller.

  • context

    (ContextT) –

    The complete type context for this unmarshaller.

  • var

    (str | None, default: None ) –

    The associated field or parameter name for this unmarshaller (optional).


  • __call__

    Unmarshal a value into the bound UUIDT type.

Source code in src/typelib/unmarshals/
def __init__(self, t: type[T], context: ContextT, *, var: str | None = None):
    """Construct an unmarshaller instance.

        t: The root type of this unmarshaller.
        context: The complete type context for this unmarshaller.
        var: The associated field or parameter name for this unmarshaller (optional).
    self.t = t
    self.origin = inspection.origin(self.t)
    self.context = context
    self.var = var


__call__(val: Any) -> UUIDT

Unmarshal a value into the bound UUIDT type.


  • val

    (Any) –

    The input value to unmarshal.

See Also
Source code in src/typelib/unmarshals/
def __call__(self, val: tp.Any) -> UUIDT:
    """Unmarshal a value into the bound `UUIDT` type.

        val: The input value to unmarshal.

    See Also:
        - [`typelib.serdes.load`][]
    decoded = serdes.load(val)
    if isinstance(decoded, int):
        return self.t(int=decoded)
    if isinstance(decoded, self.t):
        return decoded
    return self.t(decoded)  # type: ignore[arg-type]


UnionUnmarshaller(t: type[UnionT], context: ContextT, *, var: str | None = None)

Bases: AbstractUnmarshaller[UnionT], Generic[UnionT]

Unmarshaller that will convert an input to one of the types defined in a typing.Union.


Union deserialization is messy and violates a static type-checking mechanism - for static type-checkers, str | int is equivalent to int | str. This breaks down during unmarshalling for the simple fact that casting something to str will always succeed, so we would never actually unmarshal the input it an int, even if that is the "correct" result.

Our algorithm is intentionally simple:

  1. We iterate through each union member from top to bottom and call the resolved unmarshaller, returning the result.
  2. If any of (ValueError, TypeError, SyntaxError), try again with the next unmarshaller.
  3. If all unmarshallers fail, then we have an invalid input, raise an error.

In order to ensure correctness, you should treat your union members as a stack, sorted from most-strict initialization to least-strict.


  • t

    (type[UnionT]) –

    The type to unmarshal into.

  • context

    (ContextT) –

    Any nested type context. Used to resolve the member unmarshallers.

  • var

    (str | None, default: None ) –

    A variable name for the indicated type annotation (unused, optional).


  • __call__

    Unmarshal a value into the bound UnionT.

Source code in src/typelib/unmarshals/
def __init__(self, t: type[UnionT], context: ContextT, *, var: str | None = None):

        t: The type to unmarshal into.
        context: Any nested type context. Used to resolve the member unmarshallers.
        var: A variable name for the indicated type annotation (unused, optional).
    super().__init__(t, context, var=var)
    self.stack = inspection.args(t, evaluate=True)
    if inspection.isoptionaltype(t):
        self.stack = (self.stack[-1], *self.stack[:-1])

    self.ordered_routines = [self.context[typ] for typ in self.stack]


__call__(val: Any) -> UnionT

Unmarshal a value into the bound UnionT.


  • val

    (Any) –

    The input value to unmarshal.


  • ValueError

    If val cannot be unmarshalled into any member type.

Source code in src/typelib/unmarshals/
def __call__(self, val: tp.Any) -> UnionT:
    """Unmarshal a value into the bound `UnionT`.

        val: The input value to unmarshal.

        ValueError: If `val` cannot be unmarshalled into any member type.
    for routine in self.ordered_routines:
        with contextlib.suppress(
            ValueError, TypeError, SyntaxError, AttributeError
            unmarshalled = routine(val)
            return unmarshalled

    raise ValueError(f"{val!r} is not one of types {self.stack!r}")


unmarshal(t: type[T] | ForwardRef | str, value: Any) -> T

Unmarshal value into typ.


  • t

    (type[T] | ForwardRef | str) –

    The type annotation or reference to unmarshal into.

  • value

    (Any) –

    The value to unmarshal.

Source code in src/typelib/unmarshals/
def unmarshal(t: type[T] | refs.ForwardRef | str, value: tp.Any) -> T:
    """Unmarshal `value` into `typ`.

        t: The type annotation or reference to unmarshal into.
        value: The value to unmarshal.
    routine = unmarshaller(t)
    unmarshalled = routine(value)
    return unmarshalled


unmarshaller(t: type[T] | ForwardRef | TypeAliasType | str) -> AbstractUnmarshaller[T]

Get an un-marshaller routine for a given type.


  • t

    (type[T] | ForwardRef | TypeAliasType | str) –

    The type annotation to generate an unmarshaller for. May be a type, type alias, typing.ForwardRef, or string reference.

Source code in src/typelib/unmarshals/
def unmarshaller(
    t: type[T] | refs.ForwardRef | compat.TypeAliasType | str,
) -> routines.AbstractUnmarshaller[T]:
    """Get an un-marshaller routine for a given type.

        t: The type annotation to generate an unmarshaller for.
             May be a type, type alias, [`typing.ForwardRef`][], or string reference.
    nodes = graph.static_order(t)
    context: ctx.TypeContext[routines.AbstractUnmarshaller] = ctx.TypeContext()
    if not nodes:
        return routines.NoOpUnmarshaller(t=t, context=context, var=None)  # type: ignore[arg-type]

    # "root" type will always be the final node in the sequence.
    root = nodes[-1]
    for node in nodes:
        context[node.type] = _get_unmarshaller(node, context=context)
        context[node.unwrapped] = context[node.type]

    return context[root.type]